Government open negotiations to reform partial jubilation

Government open negotiations to reform partial jubilation
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The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration is raising open and transparent negotiations with social agents to reform partial retirement. The unions are observing a pause on the social dialogue screen, which also includes the liquidation of discontinuous fixed contracts, access to early retirement for painful or toxic jobs, and the conditions for retiring before the legal age.

The early partial retirement, which allows a gradual transition to the labor market and the compatibility of the salary with a percentage of the pension, is one of the points of conflict. The Government proposes a controversial condition: increasing the billing period from 33 to 34 years to access this early modality, which does not take into account the union aid.

The unions argue that this measure penalizes workers, especially women, who have lower normative bases or integrate into the labor market later. Although you are considering early retirement for professional reasons for those workers in particularly tough, dangerous or toxic jobs, without the possibility of transfer. The definition of the reduction coefficients for these cases is still under discussion and whether professional conductors or floor camareras (known as ‘kellys’) could benefit from this reform.

There is a general consensus to facilitate access to the jubilation of workers with fixed discontinuous contracts, who have periodic or intermittent activities in sectors such as the hostel or tourism. The Government has committed to restore a coefficient of 1.5 for these workers, which means that each working day will be calculated as one and average.

Carlos Bravo, representative of the CCOO, expressed that there are signs of concern and anticipation in the negotiation. «At this moment, both the elements of advances and the worries that make us doubt that this question (referring to an agreement before July 31st) can be resolved, but let’s continue working on it in the next few days to ensure that it is possible to reach an agreement », stated Bravo, secretary of Social Policies of the CCOO.

The Pensions Department has provided verbal and written information to interested parties. In the last meeting, I presented some texts and committed to sending a complete draft to social agents. “We will review point by point (…) and they have called us for a new meeting next Monday, July 29,” said Cristina Estévez, Secretary of Institutional Policy at UGT.

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Kyle C. Garrison

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